
Five Ways To Craft An Effective Offer

A good offer can make all of the difference in the world in the overall results of your direct marketing.

In order to craft these highly effective offers, here are the ingredients that can be used in the thinking that should go into them.

Number one, something new as in new products, new services, new prices.

Number two, a sale or specially discounted prices.

Number three, a bonus or premium for purchasing or even just for coming in.

Number four, a gift for responding.

Number five, a time limit on the offer to stimulate prompt response.

And the best offer includes all five of these ingredients. In fact, whenever I write a sales letter for a client, I will typically include every one of them. Think of it this way. Why would you bother to go to all of the trouble, time, and expense to send your customers or prospects an offer and settle for a lousy result?

So' we've now covered the first two aspects of a successful direct marketing campaign, the list and the offer. In you next Success Marketing Strategy I'll reveal to you the third stepping stone to direct marketing success. This one should be easy to guess.

Dan Kennedy, http://www.dankennedy.com/

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