NAPERVILLE -- The Naperville City Council is cracking down on home-based business activities encroaching on residential neighborhoods.
On Tuesday, the council voted 7-2 to amend the home-based business ordinance so that it no longer restricts the number of employees working in the home, but limits activity outside the home.
Complaints over the last year about home businesses disrupting neighborhoods prompted the city to review its existing ordinance, which allowed only one person to work in the home. Complaints have targeted a variety of home-based businesses, including a resident who runs an accounting business from home. And on Tuesday a resident complained about a neighbor who appears to be running a moving company.
"The business across from my home is a moving-and-relocation business. There are large trucks in front of the home. Workers come and go, posing a safety risk to children in the neighborhood," Abby Mansfield said.
The new law prohibits the number and kind of vehicles at the residence and outdoor equipment storage. Other councilmen weren't sold that the revised law would address the problems and believed enforcement would become an issue.
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